Our Poem
I knew I'd done well as I heard them cheer,
Then excited tones from the one so dear.
Reins went loose, hands patting my neck,
I cantered on, no one asked me to check.
I gave my best over three hard days,
Now it seems long ago the Dressage phase.
I felt brave and strong before the start,
But on the second day I gave my heart.
During roads and tracks I champed my bit,
For it was for today they had got me so fit.
Over the Steeple Chase course I easily flew,
Brush jumps, water, nothing was new.
On more roads and tracks quietly we went,
Then back to the crowds near the little white tent.
I was glad of the rest and a cool wipe down,
Amongst Eventers of grey, chestnut and brown.
The moment soon came to give my best,
Nervous tension I felt run through the rest,
I stood at the start eager to go,
That I'd jump the moon my friend did know.
I sensed the excitement, we were on our way,
I could feel through the reins it was special today,
The first few jumps I took with ease,
Then one went wrong, how it hurt my knees.
Rotunda was strange, Keepers Ditch was wide,
Centaurs Leap my heart pounded inside.
After Stockade and Gallows I needed a pat,
But at Maltings rail and wall I turned like a cat,
Into the water so lovely and cool,
Behind a Brush, now Weir with its pool,
The Zig Zag was tricky, my legs felt like lead,
More poles and barrels then she gave me my head.
Up to the finish I lengthened my stride,
In my ears I heard her voice filled with pride.
That night I was glad of my deep bed of straw,
I was too tired to even look over my door.
As dawn broke this morning, a chill in the air,
They walked me, then fed me, brushed every hair
The crowds they all gathered, they said I was sound,
Then into the ring for that precious clear round.
We'll soon travel home in bandages and rug.
I'll doze on the journey or on my hay give a tug.
Then for weeks in the meadow I'll quietly stay,
Until another event, another day.
Verse by Mary Lascelles
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