Carol's Palamino


Our Poem

Can it really be true what I dreamt last night,
I've got such nerves, what a sight.
A sea of Boxes, red, brown and blue
My hands are shaking, please dream come true.

Darling Spring, oh please be good,
I'll try to remember all I should.
Such grace and beauty, famous names,
So far now from Prince Phillip games.

A dancing Bay with bold dark eye,
A lady veiled, her horse steps high.
The sun catches coats of burnished gold,
A Hunter grey, so strong, so bold.

A lovely course, we jump with ease,
The sun is out, a gentle breeze.
Does she really like our ridden show?
As you float on air with pointed toe.

Now stripped you stand there quite supreme,
Neck arched, pure gold, tail silver stream
Now quietly round the ring we walk,
Hearts heating fast as judges talk.

They've called us forward to clapping hands,
We canter so proudly past crowded stands.
Our trophy of bronze so much admired,
And you dear Spring they all desired.

Verse by Mary Lascelles

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